Gold Crown IV

Gold Crown IV
FastMikie's Fun House, Del Mar, California

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cutest Cueists - Samm "Cherry Bomb" Diep

What is the definition of "cute"? Wikipedia has this to say. Webster's dictionary defines it this way. My definition looks like this:

Samm ("Cherry Bomb") Diep

Any list of Cutest Cueists is incomplete without Samm. Don't let her good looks fool you; she's a fierce competitor, and a winner!

The best part is that Samm's a total sweetie and a good friend.

But wait, there's more!

Samm has a web store where you can get some UNIQUE billiard items, (Samm's Side Pocket Productions) and a personal blog, and a pool tips blog (The Tip Jar), and she teaches pool, does player interviews for InsidePool magazine, and even found time for this Sexy Tie video!

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