Gold Crown IV

Gold Crown IV
FastMikie's Fun House, Del Mar, California

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Willie's Cue is for sale

News comes this morning that Willie Mosconi's personal cue, made for him by the legendary Balabushka, will be auctioned off to the highest bidder by Willie's son.  (Click for story)

This is so wrong, on so many levels, and yet... I want that cue!  Yes, it's a stupid thing to want to own something so expensive only because someone famous once owned it.  

What is the best use of this cue?  To allow people to buy a few moments with the cue, to hold it and even use it in a game.  To rent it out by the minute, by the hour?  What would that be worth, $100 per hour?  One thousand dollars to use the cue for a weekend tournament?  

That sure beats having it stuck in a case in some collector's home, or some museum, or the Brunswick corporate archives.


1 comment:

arcade games said...

That's true, it will find a resting place in someone's showcase or on a tv stand without able to make a good move for the rest of it's life. Still, that would be great to own something famous, right?
Anyway, Thanks for the post.