Gold Crown IV

Gold Crown IV
FastMikie's Fun House, Del Mar, California

Thursday, June 09, 2016

Another one bites the dust

Every once in a while I take a couple of hours away from Global Domination to shoot some pool at the local pool hall.

In this case, it's not that local. About 20 miles away, but that's the closest. And now it's not. Not not closest, just not, as in that it has ceased to be. WTF? That's kind of rude, actually, not even an email, no notice whatsoever!

But I guess anybody could have seen it coming. It couldn't have been making money. It was like they weren't even trying.


But I would not give up. It was still an hour before closing time at the nearby senior center where the weekly tournament was just finishing and we (good buddy Keenan M.) got to shoot a few racks before we got kicked out.

A little bit of pool is better than no pool at all.
