Gold Crown IV

Gold Crown IV
FastMikie's Fun House, Del Mar, California

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Optimum Practice

About 7 years ago I decided to get as good as I can at billiards. And I got pretty darn good.

I could get a lot better if I practiced more, but I'm lazy, so I try to get by with the least possible amount of effort.

That's not a winning attitude, of course, so I decided to develop the Optimum Practice routine that would give me the maximum results with the minimum effort.

I had been building this Optimum Practice routine for about 4 years, and it was been working very well.  You might call it the Lazy Man's Path to Success.

In May of 2007 I decided that a key element in this Optimum Practice routine must be a Practice Assistant.  Over the next 9 months I developed the concept of a Practice Assistant and set out to find and train such a person.

That lead me to Dave, the world's first Billiards Practice Assistant, and he started to work at FastMikie's Fun House.
To get better at anything, practice is essential.  But, there is ordinary practice, the way you are doing it now, and then there is Optimum Practice.

Results of Optimum Practice should be double or triple what ordinary practice will bring, at a minimum. The best part is that these results begin immediately.

One of the primary goals of practice is to increase muscle memory, and that requires going through the motions.

For a pool player, Optimum Practice delivers at least twice as many shots in the same amount of practice time. Therefore results are guaranteed to double.
Optimum Practice includes these elements, at a minimum: (what am I missing?)

                           Goals, with dates, written down and committed to
Written, detailed Plan to achieve the Goals
Keeping records of actions and results
Frequent Review & continuous improvement of the Plan
Lessons from a Master

Physical Practice
Video - record and review
Visualization, meditation
Self Hypnosis
Help - ask for it and give it
The notes above are part repost and part new material from an old blog I'm closing out.  To get the complete series of Optimum Practice posts, use the search box at the top left of this page, entering the words Optimum Practice.  

Or, click here.


2 comments: said...

Being new to the billiard world & to blogging,I just wanted to say I really enjoy your blog. Love your pics, and videos, and all your helpful tips. I will keep comming back to it. If you are interested, here is my spot
Thanks & have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your views on the importance of practice. Definitely, practice is the best tool you could try. It took almost 2 years for me to build my confidence to compete with other players.